There is More

Than Meets The Eye

The world is waking up.

Does that excite you? Or bring up something else?

More and more people are stepping into their intuitive senses,
connection with Spirit, and seeking beyond what is known.

We are here to help you OWN your awakening as the veil lifts.

Some might call this woo.

To this, we say “heck yes!”

Whether you already love your woo-side, or just have curiosity around it,
we have something for you!

At WooVersity we study energy.

Great transformation happens when one begins to learn
how to sense the different ways energy expresses itself.

We intuitively bring forth wisdom
to help the body, mind and spirit align into present time.

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All aspects of energy are equally important: mind, body, emotion and spirit!

your intuition is your guide

Understanding that everything is energy, and trusting your intuition to help, is the key to mastering your life



Some fun energy tips to ponder!



A variety of self-paced study courses!


YOU ARE intuitive! If you know it or doubt it - join us for this 5-day video series to take note of your sixth-sense and bring awareness to how it comes in for you! Entertain some ways your life can change if you begin to master the receiving and perceiving of this information.

3-Part Course

Highly-sensitive or empathic? Tired? Burnt-out? Stop taking on ALL.THE.THINGS! This series offers some fun ways to look at, and begin to understand, energy in a new way. Clear what isn't yours, set energetic boundaries, replenish your vitality, interact with life from a new perspective - your intuition! Great for all levels of experience in the world of energy awareness.

Intuitive Training Program

Ready to transform? Intuitively look at yourself from an authentic perspective, practice unique techniques to heal old patterning, create new paradigms in self awareness, align body/mind/spirit, and be more present with life! Do this by learning to READ energy - auras, past lives, chakras and more! Cultivate trust in your intuition, and connection to spirit, to master your energy. This course is deeply nourishing to both body and spirit!

The world needs YOU.

Join our online community for your divine learning

Your vibration begins to change when you: seek beyond what is known, connect with your highest self, and peel away the layers of untruths. 

You learn how to be in your life with intention and presence, and inspire others to do the same.

Taking authentic action in the world, to overturn the systems that no longer serve, becomes easier because you KNOW yourself.

You are empowered with the alignment of your body, mind, emotions and spirit.

You become a beacon for transformation.

Does that sound a little bit woo, but make so much sense at the same time?

Great!  You have arrived at the right place!


intuition, energy, and spirit

We have something sacred and divine for all levels of seekers


the missing puzzle piece

Some arrive at this work when they have experienced pain or confusion and are ready for answers that they haven’t found elsewhere.


personal evolution

Once you step onto this path, you find a desire to truly know yourself and step into more authenticity with life.


life as a practice

The Tapestry, our membership platform, offers an array of classes and events designed to guide and support, as you consciously begin to weave the sacred connection between your mind, body and spirit.

Understanding that everything is energy, and learning how to master it within you, will help you bridge into the changing times on the planet.

Helping you to take intentional action in a rapidly changing world, where external work is just as important as the realignment of internal truths.

Connect with us if Intuition, Energy, Spirit & Divine are words that excite you!

we are limitless beings having a physical experience

knowledge for life

Would you like to enhance your relationship to the sacred, know everyday miracles, and really begin to let synchronicity be the road map to the divine connection of YOUR TRUTH?


Check out our blog to get inspried with some woo-stories!


Coming soon!  A podcast of people sharing their love for woo.  Get notified!


  • These classes help people discover who they are. Stacia's trust in her intuition is remarkable and very helpful for students to learn from. She takes her time to explain and show how things are connected, yet allows for the information to integrate into each student's higher self and then into the body in alignment with their truth. She will help many people in this lifetime, and I am so grateful to have her as my one of my teachers!"
    Amy Stark
    Amy Stark Stark Transformation
  • I am blown away by the energy that is moved in my body, and the healing that happens with these classes! I have taken the year-long program 'Intuitive Training and Self-Healing' and Graduate level trainings, and each week I am blown away by the energy that is moved in my body, the healing that happens, and the way that I am encouraged in a safe place to trust my own intuition. I have gotten clear that we all have this gift as children, yet lose our connection to it over time. It has definitely given me more confidence in my own work as a Reiki teacher and practitioner, as well as new tools to help me with my family!
    Tekla Ayers
    Tekla Ayers Luz de la Luna Women's Wellness
  • I appreciate that Stacia wisely holds the space for the work to be about us - our own journey and truth. This work has been such a blessing in my life. It has provided so much clarity to the prior 55 years of confusion!

    Ruth Anderson
    Ruth Anderson Author, One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic
  • Life changing... really, a magical journey into the unknown parts of me. Illuminating. Liberating. Stacia is a master teacher.

    Jocelyn Hunter
    Jocelyn Hunter Jeweler, Yoga Teacher

Your Guide

Stacia Synnestvedt is a spiritual teacher and intuitive healer
helping individuals create deep changes within their life
by seeing blocks and helping to empower them with tools and practices
that are unique to a soul’s path in the present moment.
She is honored to hold space as people journey into their own energy,
connection to spirit, and helping them to OWN all aspects of themselves!
She is a lover of her woo side and hopes to inspire
others to bust the myths of what it means to be spiritual
and to embrace it within their lives!

What does WOO mean anyway?

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